
"There is also risk savings"_criticism _investment _money_Inflation _myth of security deposits

"There is also risk savings" is about the story. This is a theme on this blog has taken up many times in the past, this time not as a criticism of this investment and financial product marketers just fanning inflation risks I think Think purely from the perspective of an investor. I am aware of the story is simple.
Deposits are at risk enough to claim I do not think inflation risks faction that does not mean, I do not think that the deposit is a safe asset class as it is absolutely safe to say cut.

Basically, written in the books and investment-related "deposits are vulnerable to inflation" is a story that, as far as data for at least the past few decades in Japan, I may safely say close off almost hoax . This story has been written many times in the past on this blog. People who fail, but I think a lot of investment, savings that failed would not want to assert bad. Deposits are assets that it is safe, there is a certain rationality is not in doubt.The deposits are absolutely safe to say I cut as an asset to protect your money? If asked, say no, unfortunately. It is because they do not exist, such as those considered absolutely safe in this world.

Once you have no doubt that the savings would largely correct. However, it is based on data given in the past few decades, having said that, the savings-they are also a problem of blindly believing it is safe. In particular, I want to emphasize here is "no good blindly believe" is that. At the level of the past few decades, the regular deposit Once you have one-year-old wrote a story that has been winning the inflation Nevertheless, it is correct to say from now on forever too, I do not think so. Inflation that has prevailed in one-year deposits is about even just a few decades of experience, and robust enough to call the universal truth is not.

Once the price of real estate in Japan that always rise, but there was a mythical land called, and frankly it collapsed bubble economy in Japan. I have this kind of "myth" should not be called credit basically I think not. Happened before, even in the nuclear accident, nuclear accidents in Japan is that it is absolutely not "the primary myth of security" that would be called as a negative effect.

In short, "safe from the Japanese nuclear power is absolutely necessary to assume that it is no accident," is that it might have had a certain arrogance.
If you take precautions if you think that there is severe can cause a nuclear accident, incident response should be balanced a little better.

Similarly, deposits in, "myth of security deposits," I have a feeling of security is better than call it absolute.


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