
Normally parents' children to study hard, take good grades, to please with a stable career, "and persuade. Such parents, for money, just keep working harder_年金制度.

Normally parents' children to study hard, take good grades, to please with a stable career, "and persuade. Such parents, for money, just keep working harder.

Why I say so. The money for the underlying "fear and ignorance," but. Ignorance and fear there is no money how to handle money. For example, there is no fear retirement. They have a common pattern.

First-born children start attending school. Take your children to perform well, joy and good high school or college, proud of their children. May sometimes go to graduate school, eventually starting a business or company looking for a stable career.

You want to be doctors and lawyers and public officials, for example. Like many credit cards also arrived during this period, children begin to buy things. Go to where young people gather and have similar discretionary money, You can play dating to marry them. The future is bright. It rose. The two bought a house, buying a car, go on vacation travel. Of which children can be. More money is needed.

So it becomes important to work hard to work with the aim of further promotion and pay raise. Raise the salary of the next child is born, we need a bigger house. Further work hard, be dedicated to company employees.

Greatly increased tax revenues for the rise of progressive tax. Also increase various taxes and social insurance. Two Followed by a vicious circle of paying a bill and thus receive salary. As a rat run the car to rotate like "Rat Race" is embroiled in. Must continue to work harder to retirement day

This process is also repeated in the next generation. Pension and medical insurance system is in a state of near bankruptcy. The only tax increase to maintain. "Haves" and "have-nots" gap continues to widen.


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