
But money, if you use a machine like that wants to mine as much, or ashamed. ( Socrates)_99% of people work for the money itself. The rich will work for your money.

But money, if you use a machine like that wants to mine as much, or ashamed. ( Socrates)

The work for the money.

99% of people work for the money itself. The rich will work for your money.

School is a place to learn how to work for their money. That we learn how to be a slave to money. Is the equivalent of 50 years doing part-time job and freeters.

Most people get paid when working, so bummed drawn taxes or whatever. First, take a cut because the government. Local governments to take. Even when using more tax money, but save money tax, tax at death.

Taxes can also sell to buy a house. That paying taxes is one of quiet side 99% poor. On the other hand, by focusing on the rich to hire a tax accountant and tax accountant and financial manager.

99% of poor people "to get the money," consequently, "for others" "In order to give money to someone else" "in order to free the others' work. This means that working people are working for the company's owners and shareholders rich.

Further work for the government to. The government's pay deduct your share. More work if you work Many people work for the bank. I pay interest on mortgages and credit cards.



Normally parents' children to study hard, take good grades, to please with a stable career, "and persuade. Such parents, for money, just keep working harder_年金制度.

Normally parents' children to study hard, take good grades, to please with a stable career, "and persuade. Such parents, for money, just keep working harder.

Why I say so. The money for the underlying "fear and ignorance," but. Ignorance and fear there is no money how to handle money. For example, there is no fear retirement. They have a common pattern.

First-born children start attending school. Take your children to perform well, joy and good high school or college, proud of their children. May sometimes go to graduate school, eventually starting a business or company looking for a stable career.

You want to be doctors and lawyers and public officials, for example. Like many credit cards also arrived during this period, children begin to buy things. Go to where young people gather and have similar discretionary money, You can play dating to marry them. The future is bright. It rose. The two bought a house, buying a car, go on vacation travel. Of which children can be. More money is needed.

So it becomes important to work hard to work with the aim of further promotion and pay raise. Raise the salary of the next child is born, we need a bigger house. Further work hard, be dedicated to company employees.

Greatly increased tax revenues for the rise of progressive tax. Also increase various taxes and social insurance. Two Followed by a vicious circle of paying a bill and thus receive salary. As a rat run the car to rotate like "Rat Race" is embroiled in. Must continue to work harder to retirement day

This process is also repeated in the next generation. Pension and medical insurance system is in a state of near bankruptcy. The only tax increase to maintain. "Haves" and "have-nots" gap continues to widen.



Know the meaning of life. Love. Thanks to say thanks.

Know the meaning of life. Love. Thanks to say thanks.

Does not make sense of my own life, I think it is difficult to live a fulfilling life. Also, people who once found the meaning of life, is stronger than any man, loving the feel, the I just would not. Reborn also, I have loved my life's work, so I wanted to do the same job. There is no such person should not succeed.

How was it, most people are thinking deeply alive. Has a life similar to people around so as a result. However, rich people happy is small, at some point in life,Instead of living as prisoners within the framework of the ready-made "live free" and I strongly hoped. This made me, my life and confront, we find that his favorite. The result of trial and error and then I realized that the rich and happy life.



The work for the money._money_working people

The work for the money.

99% of people, exert themselves for money. The rich will work for your money. School is a place to learn how to work for their money.

That we learn how to be a slave to money. Is the equivalent of 50 years doing part-time job and freeters. Most people get paid when working, so bummed drawn taxes or whatever.

First, take a cut because the government. Local governments to take. Even when using more tax money, but save money tax, tax at death. Taxes can also sell to buy a house. That paying taxes is one of quiet side 99% poor.

This way and that to tax the rich hire accountants and tax accountants and financial managers. 99% of poor people "to get the money," consequently, "for others" "In order to give money to someone else" "in order to free the others' work.

This means that working people are working for the company's owners and shareholders rich. Further work for the government to. The government's pay deduct your share. Have to pay more tax than if you work work.

Many people work for the bank

I pay interest on mortgages and credit cards.



People get rich

People get rich

Trend of the times, to know how society works. There is freedom in the world people and disabled people. Most people are visually impaired employees (including civil servants and office workers salary earner) is. Disabled people nor the second is self-employed than employees.

These are the people who have worked with you. Meanwhile, some business owners who are free, and that is the people who worked. Even most investors is a free man. You're running a global financial and economic reality of this country and its people.

Now, in order to succeed in the world is changing very fast, it is important to decipher whether to acquire the wisdom of the era of what we have now. The big newspaper companies are listed every week that had gone bankrupt an article in a moment.

On the other hand, not unusual for a company that could take the world by storm last year. Social arrangements with respect to the general public is not familiar with the unknown. -



Owning their own business. _bank clerk_investment_money _金持ちはぜいたく_______________________

Owning their own business.

"Occupation" and "business" is different. Occupation bank clerk, business manager of the bank. Business "income" instead of "assets" means to revolve around.

"Business" even in the "management" and "investment" there are differences. "Management" will have to work yourself. While "owning your own business with a" that will increase the asset

Which means keep it. So "management" may not be of. That manage to create a company that is no easy task. The company is very low success rate.

Nine out of ten will collapse within five years. Nine out of ten even collapse within five years the company survived. That required a lot of it. Assets "money" is to do work for you "workers" in Their workers are working 24 hours nonstop. You can also take over the next generation. The difference between rich and poor are "luxury items" separated by purchasing. And poor to get money to buy luxury goods first.

The rich are turning to luxury goods at the end. A common mistake is poor and is also a luxury car with a loan or card "on impulse" I would buy it.



Alive somehow, and required partners will not give up the friendship._Relationships, to cherish the friendship._Have the courage

Relationships, to cherish the friendship.

What is the most important and rich in small happiness, great relationships and say that most people are surprised. In the millionaire, lonely and alone in the luxury cruiser floating on the lake who are not friends and family

Family and friends in 200m away from the cruiser to the shore, enjoying a barbecue on the shore of the lake. Do you want to either. Which do you think I'm happy.
Some people are coming through the new information and opportunities. Really rich people are very important to relationships. To get a great friendship, you should try to get the network.

Alive somehow, and required partners will not give up the friendship.

Have the courage.

You decide to change your life to live oneself requires courage. There may also be opposed to friends and family.

What would we lose, I would have been divided on whether the proceeds from a previous life with the courage yet. Look at the first class airplane Fua, who think nothing is as out of the question, Awareness and courage to face the pain of his poverty, his courage to face up to common sense had been swept around the past and present, come from the collective courage to get out of social hypnosis, the courage to venture to the unknown,The condition of small rich and happy to have the courage of them.



Earn at home work _Net income in the survey

Earn at home work

Although there are many kinds of work, but the net is many ways to earn. -

Recommendations are also work at home make extra money. You can also make a fortune if Good luck.

They are all free and get started. Please look for a suitable job.

Net income in the survey

Many recent surveys and earn about month yen.

There are several sites on the day of such questionnaire Macromill, where there is also a referral system. Please try to increase their website there is a single edged knife referral.

Every day, earn a fortune. Get started for free.



Making Money on the Internet_website_■Really zero risk?_affiliate _The real risk of affiliate_SEO

"Making Money on the Internet" way of making money using the Internet, provides information and referrals. From the environment in which the Internet is, and begin a profitable internet experience! I earn from this website, you can easily start to what I have been introduced and earn the site.

■Really zero risk?

All you need to practice basic affiliate website only. ASP (Affiliate Service Provider), and so on that require a fee, monetary cost is zero, I say good.

Rent possible generation cost is about the registration server maintenance costs and can free you can also use the free website service. Or "zero-risk business affiliate," I would say.

The real risk of affiliate

Affiliates can be for free, and actually get paid to create a website, you must continue to update as needed. This is a surprisingly hard time. " If you make a site that does not need updating, "I think some people think that the world of affiliate is not so sweet.

To earn money through affiliate is considered a strategic site, make updates to the beans, effort is required for access up and anti SEO. Otherwise these will not get the revenue continues to be a long time.

In short, the real risks and the affiliate is "Time" and "effort" is a.
